

What is B.e Quality doing on 2019?


Conversation with  Pilar Morales (B.e Quality)

29 October 2019 at 20:30 in Camilla:: Emporio di Comunità,

Via Casciarolo 8D, 40127 Bologna, Italy

An exhibition dedicated to the Fashion Revolution, why it was created and the importance of joining a more sustainable fashion attitude. Some clues of how to join a more responsible consumerism of the  garments we wear.


Conversation with  Pilar Morales (B.e Quality) Giorgio Dalfiume (Altromercato)

13 June 2019 at 20:45 in Centro Natura, Via degli Albari, 4a,  Bologna, Italy

Everytime we buy we make a choice, and through a conscious choice we can make important changes, all together. Let’s discover together how easy it can be.

Presenting the Fashion Revolution Exhibition

Pilar Morales & Giorgio Dalfiume, after our last pesentation together at Centro Natura.



Conversation with  Pilar Morales (B.e Quality) &  Giorgio Dalfiume (Altromercato)

16 May 2019 at 20:45 in Centro Natura, Via degli Albari, 4a,  Bologna, Italy

Promoting the collectiveness wellbeing through a conscious consumption on our everyday life . Little gestures that make the difference not only to us, buy to communities on the other side of the world.


Pilar Morales & Giorgio Dalfiume







RI-VESTITI by TERRA EQUA- Bologna, Italy

13 & 14 April, 2019 all day at Palazzo Re Enzo

Fair Trade show dedicated to Fashion, to create a new Economy, based on respect of workers and the planet. As an alternative to  Low Cost fashion, which has a high social and environmental cost.

B.e Quality is proud to be one of the exhibitors and speakers about Responsible Fashion in this unique occasion in Italy.

Dance performance Saturday 13 at 11.30 by Martina Delprete- Centro Natura & Aurora Lanzi:

Slowmotion & Slowfashion: Alternative times on the fast fashion era.

Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna, a wonderful cornice for Sustainable Fashion

Martina Delprete e Aurora  Lanza in questo  video : IMG_1789


by Pilar Morales (B.e Quality) in collaboration

with Centro Natura.

11- 30 April 2019 at Centro Natura, Via degli Albari, 4a,  Bologna, Italy


An interactive exhibiton around the Fashion Revolution Week to inform about the movement, why was it created and what is it doing in the first hall. In the second hall you may see how to join the Fashion Revolution.

As a background for the exhibition we have used oil painted body shapes to remember all the victims of the Fashion Industry, so that the visitor can be aware that there’s always someone behind the garments he/she buys.


First Hall, What happend the 24 April 2013 in Bangladesh and how does Fashion Revolution works


In the second Hall we have created a space with all needed to take a selfie asking: Who Made my Clothes?



SLOWFASHION: Slowing Down is Good for our Wellbeing.

Conversation with  Pilar Morales (B.e Quality) &  Giorgio Dalfiume (Altromercato)

29 March 2019 at 20:45 in Centro Natura, Via degli Albari, 4a,  Bologna, Italy

How through our buying choices and consciousness we may improve our wellbeing, inside & outside.

Introduced by PER-DURARE, Dance Performance

Body languag expressing the concept of Alternative times to Slowdown and Remain still in life, a way to re-discover ourselves.

Martina Delprete & dance students from Centro Natura

See some images


Pilar Morales

Giorgio Dalfiume


INNATEX -Bern- Switzerland

17 & 18 February, 2019




INNATEX is the only natural textiles fair in the world to feature not only fashion, but also other textile product categories such as accessories, home textiles, fabrics, toys etc.

Our Stand is 44











INNATEX -Frankfurt – Germany

19- 21 January, 2019

INNATEX is the only natural textiles fair in the world to feature not only fashion, but also other textile product categories such as accessories, home textiles, fabrics, toys etc. For professional visitors.

Our Stand is OG216



What is B.e Quality doing on 2018?



B.e Quality

My dream is to create a successful business based on Respect. And that in some way helps me to live in a more balanced way.


What inspires you?

A question someone asked me many years ago is what inspired me: how would you act in this situation if you were Love?

In that moment my brain was saying: Whaaaaat??? and went out of it’s automatic mode. This helped me to see further… and understood that both in the mid and long term, the best solution is to allow the Love guide my choices and my actions (and not fear, sadness, insecurity, anger, pride, ambition, etc…).

How may I combine my professional skills with this and how can I share this with others? The answer to this for me is the Love Collection, a small collection of garments that have the intention to remind us to practise more the gestures of Love, that warm our hearts! And that is why I have created the Love Collection: to remind us (me at first) to act guided by Love.

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www.eco-a-porter.com by Novella Di Paolo

‘Love Collection’ by B.e Quality, the love you wear

Pilar Morales has blue and shining eyes, and if it were not for its Spanish accent, it would seem she came from the North. Instead she is Peruvian and exudes warmth like the rocks of the Andes at sunset, which have absorbed the sun’s rays all day long. Pilar is a textile engineer, like her father, has 20 years of experience in the fashion industry in Europe and a dream: producing hugs. Or rather weaving and selling them as clothing, a concrete and extremely supportive project born from a feeling, love, that is what the engineer feels for mankind and nature, two sides of the same coin which, due to progress, are moving away more and more from each other, creating emotional and psychological imbalances on an increasing number of people. To say it there are numerous scientific researches that see as a solution the recovery of the touch with themselves. First of all physically, to go back to feel real needs and not those imposed by society. This is where the ‘Love Collection’ by the South American designer comes into play, a capsule collection that is a naturale continuation of Be Quality, the brand founded by Pilar.
You wear love, Pilar says. Starting right from hugs, because hug is a primordial gesture that expresses affection and protection and is good, research on this, even for the heart. Even more the garments of this particular collection are made of a particular Peruvian cotton, the Pima, a very ancient plant cultivated and already worked by the Inca, who considered it a gift from the gods and in fact is known as the ‘cashmere of the cottons’, a material that Pilar would like to make it more accessible, not as niche as it is now. Soft and shiny, it amplifies in contact with skin the pleasant sensations that the ‘Love Collection’ proposes to give, the same sensations awakened by a love story, in this case told by different items of clothing, scarves, t-shirts and dresses and by a series of gestures, the first of which is the hug.
                                                            ….read more

www.naturalmania.it by

B.e Quality: l’utopia di una moda lenta diventa realtà

Intervista a Pilar Morales che racconta a Natural Mania il suo progetto di crowdfunding e la sfida etica e culturale che con caparbietà porta avanti.

B.e Quality nasce con l’intento di creare abbigliamento di qualità che perdura nel tempo, in linea con quello che oggi viene chiamato Slowfashion e che possa permetterci di esprimere chi siamo,, la nostra essenza (Bare Essence) in alternativa alla moda tradizionale che c’impone degli stereotipi da seguire.

Quali sono i punti cardine del progetto che lo rendono particolare e unico?

La parola chiave per me è Rispetto. E da quella parola ne derivano delle azioni concrete che portano al rispetto della natura (durate il processo produttivo e anche nello smaltimento dei capi usati), dei lavoratori e dei clienti.

Può farci qualche esempio dei materiali vegan ed eco-sostenibili che maggiormente utilizzate?

“Usiamo solo 1 materiale vegan ed eco-sostenibile: il cotone pima peruviano, che non solo è eco sostenibile, poiché è biodegradabile e proviene da agricoltura biologica. E’ anche uno dei cotoni più pregiati al mondo perché ha una fibra morbidissima e anche più resistente rispetto al cotone normale”.

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L’abbraccio di Pilar: al via la raccolta fondi del marchio Be.Quality
Terra Equa non è l’unica realtà a credere nel crowdfunding. Il marchio Be.Quality di Pilar Morales ha lanciato in questi giorni Love Collection, una linea di abbigliamento per donna (al momento) in cotone peruviano nata con l’intenzione di generare un messaggio d’amore. “Ho scelto l’abbraccio per cominciare questa storia” commenta la fondatrice del marchio “è un gesto che esprime il sentimento in una vasta gamma di gradi. I miei capi, adatti a ogni ora del giorno, hanno dettagli che ti ricordano di abbracciare di più o che ti fanno venire in mente l’abbraccio di qualcuno a te caro”. Anche in questo caso sono previste ricompense come abiti, sciarpe e maglie acquistate a circa il 30% in meno del prezzo che avranno sul mercato. “Il contributo mi permetterà di coprire le spese di produzione di tre dei cinque capi dell’abbraccio che saranno pagate in anticipo” dice Pilar “un mondo non solo per contribuire alla Love Colllection ma anche per portare avanti un nuovo concetto di moda”. Be.Quality sarà presente a Terra Equa mentre per sostenere la campagna lanciata sulla piattaforma Idea Ginger https://www.ideaginger.it/progetti/indossa-un-abbraccio-senti-la-gioia-con-la-love-collection.html c’è tempo fino al 2 maggio.


..vai alla Love Collection

B.e Quality, la moda lenta di Pilar Morales

Non c’è solo il turismo o il cibo, anche la moda può essere “lenta”. Pilar Morales parla proprio di “slowfashion” quando racconta di B.e Quality, il progetto etico, sostenibile e ecologico che porta avanti dal 2010. Di origine peruviana ma dal 2000 in Italia, Pilar è ingegnere tessile con molte collaborazioni all’attivo con aziende di moda: sarà questa esperienza unita alle sue radici a farle maturare l’idea di creare qualcosa che desse delle risposte in primis a una cliente e consumatrice come lei. “Voglio essere chiara: il mio è un progetto di abbigliamento, non di moda” specifica Pilar “una cosa non esclude l’altra, diciamo che mi occupo di un aspetto complementare”. Quello che è al centro di B.e Quality infatti è la materia prima a 360°. “Uso un cotone unico e speciale, il pima, conosciuto come il cashmere dei cotoni o il cotone degli dei” spiega “è una pianta molto antica che nasce in Perù considerata un regalo degli dei per il Inca che pochissimi possono usare. Vorrei farne qualcosa di accessibile, non di nicchia come è ora”.

…continua a leggere qui